Why So Many People Are Quietly Making Loads Of Cash Passively With Internet Home Based Business
Released on = December 12, 2005, 11:03 pm
Press Release Author = Success University
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = How to quickly and easily get your share of the wealth With Internet Home Based Business. Well, after doing a large amount of research on the topic I found some alarming statistics.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 12/15/2005
Why So Many People Are Quietly Making Loads Of Cash Passively With Home Based Business...
How to quickly and easily get your share of the wealth With Internet Home Based Business. Well, after doing a large amount of research on the topic I found some alarming statistics. - Here How SU beat out every other company in a 64 Billion a Year Industry!
The Corporate World is eliminating 3,000 jobs every day and the overwhelming majority of them are gone forever. That\'s in addition to those already looking for work and those entering the labor force. Not the best news to start, but keep reading it gets worse.
People are working longer and getting poorer. The average wage worker works 160 hours a year more than he/she was at the end of the 1960s. That\'s the equivalent of an extra month\'s work per year.
Between 1984 and 1991 the median net worth for the U.S. households declined by 15 percent and this trend is still continuing! Only 1 out of 20 people ever achieves financial independence. That\'s it! The rest of us depend on our current earnings, the earnings of others,charity, and or the government to survive for our entire lives.
Soon 10 people collecting social security in the US for every one person contributing to social security by the year 2023. So, the obvious conclusion is... social security will soon virtually cease to exist.
We\'re living in a new era with incredible opportunities for us to get rich. The internet and the information age are creating millions of millionaires and I for one will be one of them!
95 percent of all new business fail within the first 3 t0 5 years... But the odds of succeeding in your own business increase dramatically when that business is home based. That is good news.
According to entrepreneur magazine, the average annual income from an internet home business is more than $50,000 and nearly 2 million legitimate home inetrent based business earn $100,000 or more. Not bad huh?
Do you want in on this wealth?
The huge popularity of home based business oppoptunities seems to be a natural evolutionary trend in our worldwide economy. To make it simple jobs are paying less and asking for more. So we hit a breaking point. We need more money to survive than our current jobs can provide.
The corporate world is soon to go the way of the dinosaurs. If you are at the point of considering home based business opportunities you\'re thinking the right thoughts at the right time, and by finding this report you are in the right place.
Contact Gary Neame for more information regarding this award. Direct line: (643) 337-9657 Email: onefreekiwi@xtra.co.nz ther helpful information regarding this home based business can be found at: http://GNeame1.successuniversity.com/new.
Information Contact:
Gary Neame onefreekiwi@xtra.co.nz http://GNeame1.successuniversity.com/new
Web Site = http://GNeame1.successuniversity.com/new
Contact Details = Gary Neame
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